What are Nightshades and why should you care?
Beet Lady
What are Nightshades?
You may have heard of the term “deadly nightshade” referring to a plant called belladonna, which was used as a poison in ancient times. Lesser known are the commonly eaten vegetables in the same nightshade family. They aren’t deadly, but they contain enough toxins to cause inflammation in some people, particularly those with leaky gut or autoimmune disease. Often, we don’t realize just how much, until we stop eating them. Here’s the list:
• Tomatoes
• Tomatillos
• Potatoes
• Eggplants
• Peppers (bell peppers, banana peppers, chili peppers, etc.)
• Pimentos
• Goji berries
• Ground cherries
• Ashwagandha (an ayurvedic herb)
• Tobacco
• And red pepper seasonings (paprika, chili powder, cayenne, curry, etc.)
• Read labels: terms like “spices” and “natural flavors” often contain the above seasonings.
• Similar sounding foods that are not nightshades: Sweet Potatoes and Peppercorns (black, white and pink)